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Strive Online (telepractice) Speech-Language Therapy offers private practice online speech therapy for clients who live in Alberta
Speech-Language Pathologist (speech therapist), Shelley Little has +25 years of experience working with clients in with a variety of speech and language difficulties.

See the Rates tab above for price per session. 
(If you are on a mobile device or tablet, please see the desktop version for more information.) 

Strive Online Speech and Language Therapy is operated by speech-language pathologist (SLP), Shelley Little (M.Sc.). Shelley is a registered member with a practice permit from ACSLPA.



This is a private practice (session fees- usually $75 per session. It depends on the length of session requested)


This SLP works exclusively online.


Who might benefit from speech and or language sessions? 


     Adults and school age children























If you have medical insurance through work or a private plan, (i.e, Sun Life, Blue Cross, Great West Insurance, Manulife or other), check to see what is required for your reimbursement. Most just seem to require a receipt with our speech-language pathologist's practice permit number on it, but you should check to see what is required.


Some employers may also have flex plans for some expenses.


In addition, if you plan on using your receipts for a partial refund for taxes, please check to see if there is a minimum total amount of medical expenses required before a partial refund is given. 


It is this SLP's understanding that the government program, Alberta Health Care Insurance, does not cover costs for private practice speech and language therapy. If applicants have an additional health insurance plan, they may choose to review their policies. There might be a set amount they may be approved to be refunded from their insurance providers for private practice speech and language therapy.  


This is a private practice service with fees. It is not a government-funded service. Families are advised that they may be able to access free speech and language services through government funded agencies. Check to see if you are eligible to obtain free services at other places (e.g., school, hospital, Health Care Centre, nonprofit organization, organizations who provided services for preK or access PUF funding in preschool to ECS years). 


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Adults who did not have access to speech therapy as a child, may want to acquire a speech sound from the comfort of their own home. 


Adults with a strong accent who are frustrated with others asking them to repeat information (Accent Reduction).


Adults who want to work on stuttering can do this from the comfort of their home or work setting. 

Business people:

If you speak English but others are having difficulty understanding you because of your accent, you may benefit from speech or language activities. We have the ability to customize and focus specifically on your speech sound or language needs.

Students may want to improve their speech or language skills from the comfort of their own home or possibly within their school setting. 

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Contact information

 Speech pathologist / speech therapy / accent reduction / stuttering and more.

Preferred method of contact: email or phone. 

We return calls to potential clients within Alberta. If you are calling from outside of Alberta, please leave an email address. 


 Email: See Contact Us tab.                      



Phone: ​1 403 350 0345  



​Copying or saving information from this website is not permitted. All rights reserved. 



Easily find this site again by typing in

To assist Internet search engines in finding this site for speech therapy, Strive sees clients province wide: Here is a list of some towns and cities to assist the Internet search engines in finding Strive: Alberta. Airdrie, Brooks, Calgary, Camrose, Chestermere, Cold Lake, Edmonton, Fort Saskatchewan, Grande Prairie, Lacombe, Leduc, Lethbridge, Lloydminster, Medicine Hat, Red Deer, Spruce Grove, St. Albert, Strathcona County, Strathmore, Hinton, High River, Beaumont, Wood Buffalo, Sylvan Lake, Okotoks, Banff, Canmore, Sherwood Park, Consort, Rocky Mountain House, and Westaskiwin. Terms: Speech therapy, accent reduction, tongue thrust, speech therapist, speech-language pathologist. Strive is a province-wide service. 



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