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Accent Reduction-
(Alberta, Canada)
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This is not a therapy page. It may give you an idea if you might need help with vowel sounds.
Most likely you may know if other people are having trouble understanding you. They might be asking you to repeat what you just told them. One way to probe if you might be missing or substituting some vowel sounds is to read these words to a few different people who have English as their first language in Canada. Note-there is some variation between provinces. Choose people who don’t seem to have an accent. Ask them to circle vowels that don’t sound quite right. However, remember that the people you are checking in with are not trained speech-language pathologists. This probe is not to be used in place of a speech or language assessment. A speech-language pathologist (SLP) will listen to vowels, consonants, stress patterns, language skills and more. SLPs use other descriptors for vowels but to keep it simple we will call them “long” or “short” vowel sounds.
Listen for the long A vowel:
late break plane
aim age
able ape steak
capable (2 syllable words may have more than one type of vowel on this list)
Short A vowel
bat apple appear award ant anchor ax add answer
Vancouver last example
Practical gallons
Long U vowel:
boot unicorn use usual
unit utensils USA
Short U Vowel type of sound:
Oven us none umbrella hundred underwear some
Under brush
Another short vowel:
Took, book, Look, bush sugar cook
Took put
Long O Vowel:
November old told only
over own oval four north
drove forty
Short O vowel:
Wash lodge non-profit October
otter confident popcorn project
on also always arm ostrich wash
Long E vowel:
eat east ear earmuff meet three speak
these feel lease
Short E vowel:
enough elephant letter west
enter air eleven September
area arrow elk electric ready
bed pen Edmonton twelve
Long I Vowel:
eye island ice cream ice
Short I Vowel:
still diploma lift this
live kid it igloo
bin thin sit
3 other sounds: sort of a blend of 2 vowel sounds:
1. Ointment, toy, boy
2. high, cry, bye (see long I vowel from above)
3 now, couch, thousand, south
A vowel with a bit of R:
Saturday, bird, learn, turn, thirteen
The SLP will also check to see which consonants may be difficult.
The worksheet was created by Strive Online Speech Language Therapy. It is to be used for educational purposes. Our worksheets hold no monetary value and are not for resale. All rights reserved.